Mauritius Kestrel

Falco punctatus


At one point in time the Mauritius kestrel was considered the rarest bird in the world and strong fears that the species was almost a near extinction prevailed.

In 1974 only four individuals of the sole remaining raptor endemic to Mauritius was in the wild. Out of this tiny population one was a breeding female!

Massive deforestation and clearing of land for agriculture dramatically constricted the birds’ natural habitat.

To prevent the spreading of malaria among the human population, extensive spraying of DDT was used as vector control in the 1950s and 1960s. This pesticide found its way to the kestrels’ body cells through their contaminated prey. Subsequently, the eggs laid were so fragile that they cracked during incubation.

Thanks to massive and sustained conservation efforts, the population size has now reached to about 800 individuals. Saving the species from the brink of extinction is considered a lollapalooza of any raptor conservation biology.

The kestrel was downlisted from Critically Endangered to Endangered in 1994, and then to Vulnerable in 2000 by the IUCN.

Mauritius Kestrel

Photo Courtesy: Ria Winters

Common name:

English: Mauritius Kestrel

French: crécerelle, mangeur de poules and Faucon de l'Ile Maurice

Mauritian Creole: kressrel and manzer de poules

Species name author:

Coenraad Jacob Temminck, a Dutch zoologist (1821)


Order: Falconiformes

Family: Falconidae (falcons and caracaras)

Current IUCN Red List category:

Vulnerable (VU)

International Union for the Conservation of Nature - Vulnerable


The upperparts are a rich brown to chestnut colour with black markings

Underparts are a gleaming white with bold black heart-shaped blotchings

Size:  20–26 cm

Average mass: 220 g


Size: 600-800 birds

Trend -  decreasing

Distribution size (breeding/resident): 160 sq km


Medium forest dependency, cliffs and ravines

Bambous Mountains on the coast of south-east Mauritius, Black River Gorges and Moka Mountains


Geckos, agamid lizards, crickets and small birds


Habitat  degradation 

Introduced mammalian predators such as rats, monkeys and mongoose

Destruction of nests, eggs and chicks by tropical cyclones


Intensive conservation efforts were halted in 2002 after noticeable signs that the species was recovering.

Monitoring of the birds’ population at  Bambous Mountains, however, continued and nestlings were ringed each season.

Concerns about a probable decline in the population size led the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation to recommence monitoring at the at Black River Gorges in 2007.

Distribution Map

Other Endangered Bird Species of Mauritius

■ Pink Pigeon ■ Mauritius Olive White-eye ■ Mauritius Fody, ■ Mauritius Echo Parakeet ■ Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher ■ Mauritius Black Bulbul ■ Mauritius Grey White Eye ■ Mauritius Cuckooshrike

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